Our Capabilities & Services

Heat Exchanger Repair Services

Heat Exchanger Resale OEM

Heat Exchanger Remanufacture from Original Specs

Pipe Fabrication

At Quintel, Inc., quality and service are our priorities.
We are a family-owned and operated company, located in Northwest Indiana, that specializes in the reconditioning, repair, and remanufacturing of heat exchangers.
Since 1994, Quintel, Inc. has been handling jobs of all sizes throughout the country. Our national recognition comes from consistently providing the quality and care that our valued customers have come to know and expect. Our knowledgeable staff and experienced technical crew focus on the details that other companies may overlook. We are equipped with the most modern technology, advanced tools, and efficient testing and recording equipment available.
Our positive reputation and close customer relationships make us o...
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Our Past Projects
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